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Gift Idea: Calico Kit with LOV Leathers

Gift Idea: Calico Kit with LOV Leathers

Jennifer Anderson, founder of LOV Leathers, made a custom pattern to pair with our Calico Kit. Follow her step-by-step tutorial and download the FREE pattern to get started!

Calico Kit

Download the FREE Pattern

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Stamps (Back Side):



  1. Wet leather and let return to natural color
  2. Trace pattern onto leather, tape down if needed (stars optional)
  3. Carve pattern with swivel knife
  4. Bevel around all swivel cuts
  5. Pear shade on flower parts
  6. Keep leather wet with sponge and let dry to natural color
  7. Background area where desired
  8. Start decorative cuts, you may use the patterns or choose to do your own kind
  9. Optional: Stamp the backside of clutch with desired tools or repeat pattern
  10. Let leather completely dry before staining it
  11. Optional: Paint area with Angelus Leather Paint before staining. Move quickly in large areas and quickly remove excess stain. If areas are not even, go over them again and repeat the process.
  12. Once dry, use a damp sponge or paper towel to stain leather – stain inside and outside of clutch
  13. Once stained and completely dry, assemble the kit by following the instructions here!


LOV Leathers

Jennifer Anderson grew up in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado with an artistic family where creative expression was encouraged. As the daughter of a seamstress, she constructed clothing designs and explored fabric textures at a young age. After studying, English Literature and Writing at the University of Northern Colorado, Jenn worked in the Salon Industry while learning leather work on the side.

In 2011, Jenn moved to a ranch in rural Wyoming with her husband Drew, and conceived of her first leather goods branch "JMary Leathers" that sold tooled cuffs and jewlery. In 2016, Jenn expanded her brand portfolio into "LovLeathers' and introduced her signature line of envelope clutches that is a favorite among western fashion influencers. Jenn constantly designs and creates new bags with an eye on ever-evolving accessory trends. Jenn loves fostering relationships with unique vendors, suppliers, and tanneries across the U.S. to bring luxury-quality cowhides, Native Made Turquoise and vintage textile designs to her clientele. Jenn hand designs, cuts, and sews each product using traditional leather working techniques- ensuring every Lovleathers product is a creation of love.




Previous article Build Along: Making a Leather Stocking


Nicole Bradford - October 2, 2023

Hi, Sara! Thank you so much for your comment. Your project sounds fantastic and what a kind thing to do for your friend. :)

In response to your question, there is no right or wrong answer here. Part of it depends on how your personal preference and taste. While you absolutely can double loop lace, how well you like it will depend on you. Personally, I’ve never seen a problem with projects that mix stitching and lacing and lacing does tend to add a little more structural integrity in most cases.

Whatever you end up doing we hope you love it!

Happy crafting – Nicole Bradford – Content Marketing Manager

Sara King - October 2, 2023

I have a friend with macular degeneration, but she is still able to knit. So I am making her a Calico (modified) as a knitting tote. I am using stiffened leather with a tan finish, and 6oz leather for the sides and a base using 6-8oz leather. I am hand stitching a cutter pocket for her pattern books, and I will be adding some small sleeves to the lining for her knitting needles. My question is: Can I double-loop lace the base so the tote will better stand independently? My fear is that the Double Loop lacing around the Calico base will look odd with the saddle stitching I am doing with the body and side gussets. i really need an expert opinion.
Thank you, Cheers, Sara

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