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Introduction to Pictorial Carving

Bushes and Small Trees

This is the first in a series of video programs on the Introduction To Pictorial Carving on leather. Each chapter will show techniques on how to do various elements of this kind of carving, such as: bushes, trees, grass, landscape, water, clouds, sky and more. Chapter 1 is on bushes and small trees.

Clouds, Dust & Smoke Part 1

This is part one of three that shows how to create clouds, dust and smoke images on leather.

Clouds, Dust & Smoke Part 2

This is part one of three that shows how to create clouds, dust and smoke images on leather.

Deciduous Trees Part 1

This two-part video shows how to carve an oak tree and a hickory tree. Special emphasis is on tooling the leaves on these kinds of trees.

Deciduous Trees Part 2

This two-part video shows how to carve an oak tree and a hickory tree. Special emphasis is on tooling the leaves on these kinds of trees.

Grass and Logs Part 1

Introduction To Pictorial Carving on Leather - Grass and Logs This chapter covers how to tool grass into leather. It also has information on tooling a log and tree trunk. Emphasis is on using the grass figure carving tools.

Grass and Logs Part 2

Introduction To Pictorial Carving on Leather - Grass and Logs This chapter covers how to tool grass into leather. It also has information on tooling a log and tree trunk. Emphasis is on using the grass figure carving tools.

Ponderosa & Distant Pine Trees Part 1

This is part one of three that shows how to carve ponderosa and distant pine treess. The series includes special techniques for creating pine bark, pine needles, special matting methods, snow cap and contours on mountains and much more.

Ponderosa & Distant Pine Trees Part 2

This is part two of three that shows how to carve ponderosa and distant pine treess. The series includes special techniques for creating pine bark, pine needles, special matting methods, snow cap and contours on mountains and much more.

Ponderosa & Distant Pine Trees Part 3

This is part one of three that shows how to carve ponderosa and distant pine treess. The series includes special techniques for creating pine bark, pine needles, special matting methods, snow cap and contours on mountains and much more.

Small and Medium Pine Trees Part 1

Introduction To Pictorial Carving on Leather - Small and Medium Pine Trees This is part one of two that shows how to carve both small and medium sized pine trees. It features the use of pointed bevellers and matting tools.

Small and Medium Pine Trees Part 2

Introduction To Pictorial Carving on Leather - Small and Medium Pine Trees This is part two of two that shows how to carve both small and medium sized pine trees. It features the use of pointed bevellers and matting tools.

Water and Jumping Fish Part 1

This two-part program teaches how to tool rocks and flowing water with a bonus of a rainbow trout jumping out of the water.

Water and Jumping Fish Part 2

This two-part program teaches how to tool rocks and flowing water with a bonus of a rainbow trout jumping out of the water.

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