Leatherbound legacy
Established in 1919, Tandy Leather would not be the same without the artistry of Al Stohlman. He was a master craftsman, gifted artist and pioneer in leathercrafting techniques. His work has influenced hundreds of thousands of leathercrafters worldwide, through the media of tool designs, patterns, instruction books and personal demonstrations.
Al and his wife Ann’s love for leather was exemplified by a willingness to give freely of his knowledge, to build leathercraft as an art form, as well as a craft, and to encourage others by his personal example. Although he is no longer with us today, his work and character will remain with us forever.
"Al Stohlman left behind a long legacy of leathercraft books and leather carving patterns, many of which have been published by Tandy Leather in its catalogs and instruction books. Many of the original leather pieces used to illustrate his published books are on display, some dating back to the early 50s."
En Tandy, nuestra misión es “construir sobre nuestro legado de inspirar el arte y el oficio atemporales del trabajo del cuero”. Y la artesanía del cuero es, en esencia, una cuestión de autoexpresión. Nuestro mensaje a nuestros clientes, Make Your Mark™, refleja nuestro compromiso con la individualidad, sin juzgar. Queremos que Tandy sea un lugar donde las personas sean plenamente aceptadas por quienes son y por su amor por la artesanía del cuero.
Ayúdanos a hacer de Tandy un lugar seguro y acogedor para todos, donde las personas puedan unirse como comunidad para aprender, compartir, enseñar y animarse unos a otros. Esperamos que nuestra comunidad de empleados y clientes siga nuestro código de conducta cuando esté en nuestros espacios físicos y digitales.
Tratar a todos con respeto y dignidad independientemente de su raza, color u origen étnico, identidad de género, orientación sexual, religión, edad, ideología política o capacidad.
Mantenga a Tandy como un lugar seguro para todos regulando su propio comportamiento y ayudando a quienes lo rodean.
Utilice tonos y lenguaje civilizados, paciencia, amabilidad y cometa actos de bondad. Mantenemos con orgullo espacios libres de acoso, amenazas, acoso, intimidación y discurso de odio.
It's difficult to imagine a better place to be home to one of the greatest leathercraft exhibits. Fort Worth just seems like a natural fit.
Jim Linnell is a skilled, leather craftsman who has dedicated most of his life to the art and teaching of leathercraft.
Dustin Loftis successfully owns and operates The Dusty Hide Leather Co., a business known for its beautiful custom-made leather goods.
Al Stohlman left behind a long legacy of leathercraft books and leather carving patterns, many of which have been published by Tandy Leather in its catalogs and instruction books. Many of the original leather pieces used to illustrate his published books are on display, some dating back to the early 50s.
One benefit that makes Tandy Leather special–and different than other leather providers—is our wide reach of stores located internationally from the U.S. to Australia. We recognize the importance of one-on-one in-person customer service.
Find Your Local StoreWe offer employment opportunities with excellent benefits at select Tandy Leather retail and wholesale stores. Apply today to join the Tandy family!
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