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Leather Cuts & How To Use Them

Cortes de cuero y cómo usarlos

El cuero tiene la distinción única de ser un material que se vende sin medidas consistentes. Si alguna vez compró tela, cuerda, madera u otros materiales de artesanía, tenga una idea de cuánto necesita y qué preguntas debe hacer para obtenerlo sin tener muchas sobras. El cuero es un juego de pelota diferente. Así que repasemos los cortes más comunes y para qué son mejores, para que puedas obtener lo que necesitas con confianza.


  • Aproximadamente 45-50 pies cuadrados.
  • Viene en pesos más livianos, la mayor parte del tiempo.
  • Generalmente disponible como bronceado cromado o con pelo.
  • Ideal para tapicería, ropa, bolsos y otros proyectos grandes que requieren cortes sin costuras.


  • Aproximadamente 21-26 pies cuadrados.
  • Amplia disponibilidad en cromo-bronceado y veg-tan
  • Extremadamente versátil en términos de lo que se puede crear debido al tamaño de la pieza y a los precios rentables de "compra al por mayor".
  • Viene en todos los pesos, colores, acabados y calidades.
  • ¡Ideal para casi cualquier tipo de artesanía que se te ocurra!


  • Aproximadamente 11-15 pies cuadrados.
  • Amplia disponibilidad en cromo-bronceado y veg-tan
  • Presenta ambos hombros, lo que ofrece una buena longitud, especialmente para cinturones o correas.


  • Aproximadamente 22-26 pies cuadrados.
  • Forma más consistente
  • Ideal para cinturones, correas, riendas, estribos, etc.
  • Incluye áreas del cuello y la espalda para mayor durabilidad y estiramiento mínimo.


  • Aproximadamente 11-15 pies cuadrados.
  • Atributos iguales que el Double Bend


  • Aproximadamente 7-12 pies cuadrados.
  • Normalmente solo está disponible en veg-tan
  • Estos tienen una forma algo extraña, provienen de un hombro e incluyen el cuello.
  • Puede tener algunas estrías e imperfecciones.
  • Suelen ser de bajo costo y sobran mucho menos para proyectos individuales o pequeños.


  • Aproximadamente 4-7 pies cuadrados.
  • Ideal para pequeños proyectos y pruebas.
  • El peso es inconsistente y las fibras son suaves, lo que provoca más estiramiento.
  • ¡Súper económico!


  • Aproximadamente 3-7 pies cuadrados.
  • Se puede encontrar en el curtido vegetal, aunque es más común en el curtido al cromo.
  • Gran producto para joyería, piezas decorativas, declaraciones de moda, carteras y otros accesorios.


  • Rango de tamaño desde 8 1/2"x11" hasta 24"x24"
  • Puede ser bronceado vegetal o bronceado cromo.
  • Al igual que las fundas pequeñas, estas son un excelente producto para joyería, piezas decorativas, declaraciones de moda, carteras y otros accesorios.


Mark Stangl - diciembre 30, 2024

My journey into the world of crafts began in my childhood years in Ft. Worth, a time when I was also a Boy Scout living in rural Lake Worth. It was in Austin, after a summer spent in San Diego, that my interest in leathercraft truly took root. In 1971, I found a small space for my work in Gandalf’s head shop, marking the beginning of my professional journey in this field.

By the time I was near TCU, I had taken the helm at the Campus Cobbler, where I expanded my repertoire to include hats, belts, purses, and shoe repairs. My craft continued to evolve, and in 1973, I began working with Buck Steiner and Charlie Dunn, two individuals I had admired since buying leather from Buck between 1970 and 1972, when I was just starting out.

However, the demanding schedule of working six days a week for Buck led me to seek new opportunities in Denton. There, I joined Logan’s Shoe Ship, where I honed my skills in making sandals and deepened my knowledge of leather crafts. My time with the Logans was interspersed with periods of learning and growth, as I worked with them on and off for several years.

In 1975, I returned to Austin to finish college and spent a couple of years working at the Leather Bench above Les Amis, further cementing my passion and skill in leathercraft. Now, after 52 years, I still maintain a leather workstation in my home, a testament to my lifelong dedication to this craft. My journey began with my first purchase of leather, tools, and dyes at Tandy Leather in Fort Worth, and it’s a journey that continues to this day.

Stephen Davis - octubre 24, 2024

I have used Tandy leathers and buckskin in my piano rebuilding shop for years and have always been happy with the variety of choices and the helpful staff. In my 70s now and lately made a few belts only to discover that someone needs to take some classes lol. There is much to learn and I’m so grateful that Tandy is in my hometown.

Wayne - septiembre 26, 2024

Tandy has been my go-to for years. I started working leather as a kid and was primarily self-taught I used their craft aids and their books to help learn and after many years I’m returning to a hobby that I love thank you Tandy for being a consistent source of pleasure.

Gordon - septiembre 26, 2024

I had two double shoulders I bought intending to start making knife, hatchet and axe sheaths but never found the time. Covid19 came around and I had extra time on my hands while at home. I have since made many sheaths and now have a new hobby. Love Tandy Economy double shoulder veggie tanned leather. Takes tooling and dye well.

Juan Arroyo - diciembre 27, 2024

Learning about leathers

A Sarm - agosto 29, 2024

I’m in my fortys and have never had any training in leathercraft. I love the media and have made a few embarrassingly bad bracelets I can afford much in supplies yet but I would love to learn more and have leatherwork as a hobby /pastime. I’m a oef/oit veteran with sometimes brutal PTSD or complex – ptsd. And it helps to have a nice decent good natured positive hobbies. Only I need a mentor or mastercraftsman to pour their knowledge into me so that I may become proficient. Online can only provide so much in the way of info before you must get hands on as they say. And I’m California I’ve yet to run into too many men or women leatherworking like I seen in the midwest and the south… y’all count your blessings for His Grace is unmatched and unending. Praise the lord.

Robert Hanks - agosto 5, 2024

My dad taught me leathercraft in a craft shop he ran on Ft Bliss, Tx. Couldn’t have had a better teacher and am sad to have lost him 8 years ago. Tandy has always been my go to for supplies.

steve blake - agosto 5, 2024

I was pleasantly surprised to so many old leather crafters in my same situation. I started back in school as a craft, got hooked and started shopping at Tandy in Dallas,Tx. I’m now 80 and started once again. I still enjoy the craft.

Robbie Rowe - julio 5, 2024

I started leather working in the late 1960s in school, & my Mom would take us to Tandys. for supplies, it was glorious! As one other reviewer said I got a job, house, family and lost the time for projects. Now I am retired & ready to jump back in. Thank you Tsndy for still being here!!!

Kimberly - junio 27, 2024

Thank you Steve for being so patient with me, and answering my myriad questions when I dropped in the Berlin store today. I was so excited to see all the leather crafting supplies…like a kid in a candy store!

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